on the left:
Bone statuette with mobile elements (head and limbs) found at Dolní
Vestonice, southern Moravia (Czech Republic), and dating back to about
20,000 years B.P. Among the hypothesis advanced by the discoverers,
there is the possibility that it was a puppet employed during shamanic
rituals, in which it was regarded as the representation of a spirit
helper of the shaman (perhaps the spirit of a dead or an ancestor).
This interpretation is corroborated by the features of the statuette
face, that remind those of a human skull or a corpse. Facsimile, Museum
of Natural History (Naturhistorisches Museum), Wien, Austria; the original
is in the Moravian Museum, Brno, Czech Republic.
on the right:
Reconstruction of the puppet found at Dolní Vestonice, in which
it is hypothesized its function as visible manifestation of a spirit.
It is likely that the person who utilized it, possibly a shaman, managed
to make it move through a mechanism similar to that still employed today
in the puppet theatre.